Are you tired of hearing “no” every time you try to pitch your multi level marketing (MLM) opportunity? Objections are a common challenge faced by many MLM companies. However, with the right mindset and strategies, you can turn those “no” into “yes” and build a successful business.In this blog post, I’ll be sharing the top 10 tips for handling network marketing objections like a pro. So, put your best foot forward and get ready to tackle those pesky objections head-on. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are successful MLM companies. Let’s get started!

Transforming Objections into Opportunities

  • keep your ears open for what your prospect has to say
  • Ask questions
  • Relate everything you say to a product that you have to sell
  • Tell a few success stories
  • Solve their problems

Here are a few network marketing objections you may face and tips to handle network marketing objections.

objection handling tips in network marketing business

You’re scrolling through your social media feed and come across an exciting opportunity for a network marketing business. The products are incredible, and the earning potential is seemingly limitless. However, just as you’re about to click the “Join Now” button, doubts and objections start creeping in. “Is this a scam?” “Will I really be able to make money?” “What if my friends and family don’t support me?”

Sound familiar? These objections and doubts are common hurdles that many people face, especially in the age of digital marketing and e-commerce in MLM. But here’s the thing: overcoming objections is crucial to the future of network marketing, and with the right strategies, you can crush them and achieve success.

    1. Objection: “I don’t have time.”

    Mostly arising from persons who have full time jobs!

    Make them understand there are many part-timers in MLM

    Your first answer to them should be to let them understand that there are many people who do MLM as a part-time job around their busy days.

    How they perfectly fit in an MLM

    You should defer to show them how they can fit in MLM with what they already do, and ask if they are interested to hear more about that.

    Give solutions to manage time

    You could also provide such clients with a feasible solution to manage their time problems. You can tell them how the MLM venture can actually take up less time in the future once the business has built up so that they have more time to do what they enjoy.

    Answer : “ Do you want to put in a lot of effort for humongous hours and make your boss richer ? Or do you want to work for yourself and retire at 40, with a huge sum in your bank account? If you are into the latter, let me know! I will guide you through the procedures.”

    2. Objection: “I don’t have money.”

    When approaching people with less money!

    Tell them about MLM earners who began broke

    You need to tell them that, at the beginning of your career, you found yourself in a situation similar to many MLM earners and individuals aspiring for network marketing success. But, you saw a life-changing opportunity then and there and you took the plunge and saw an opportunity for your success and you decided to do it anyway.

    Give them ideas about how to source fund

    You may also help them with showing them how to get the cash to get started with the business. Let them know that you can tell them more about sourcing funds. Perhaps they can start by selling their starter kit, or get the company to offer low-cost financing options. Perhaps they can cut back on their other expenses, or borrow money from friends and family.

    Stress on the fact that – joining MLM can earn you additional money to meet your needs

    Another useful network marketing objection handling is to bring up something that they mentioned earlier on. Perhaps they had earlier said something about being worried about not earning enough money to fund their children’s college fees, or that they needed a bit more money for early retirement or going on that dream vacation.

    3. Objection: “Is it a Pyramid scheme?”

    Many people are really scared of being lured into a pyramid scheme because they hear things about people losing all their hard-earned money in scams or certain business ventures being illegal in their country. You need to let them know that you are working with a legitimate company that has its presence in many countries around the globe.

    How you can handle this objection in network marketing is by simply telling them the difference between a pyramid scheme and MLM. Tell your prospect to google it and see if your company is a part of a scam.

    4. Objection: “Products are too expensive.”

    If they are talking about a product they can buy from any big box store, question them if the difference between features and the value of the product is important to them. You can also mention that you are offering it at wholesale cost to them and that is not something they would get in a store.

    And tell them that there will also be rewards if they are willing to offer to share your product with their friends and relatives. At that rate, the cost will be completely diffused very soon.

    Answer: My products are top quality ones and endorsed by celebrities. You can see the product for yourself. The features are extremely rich and the quality is very good. You can even compensate for the high costs by referring your friends and family and earn handsome rewards for it.”

    5. Objection: “I have to think about it.”

    You can counteract this particular objection in network marketing by asking if they still have any questions about any of the products or the business as a whole.

    Perhaps your potential business prospect needs more clarification to help them figure out if your proposition is the right opportunity for them.

    You may also suggest that the best way to determine if this offer is for them or not is to try their hand at it for a while. You may offer them an opportunity to do a mock test first without any risk.

    Answer : “ Incase of any doubts regarding the products, you can call me right away. Any questions regarding the business, or any other thing for that matter,we can talk about it. You can try out the products and see if you find it interesting.”

    6. Objection: “How long have you been doing it.”

    This Network Marketing Objection is more like a validation of your network marketing opportunity is going to work for them. They may be interested to buy from you but they may be confused so they are looking for validation before investing.

    If someone asks you this then you can tell them I’ve been in this business for a year and I got a better opportunity to develop my skills and now I am successful in this company.

    7. Objection: “I don’t know anyone.”

    This network marketing objection is always there “I don’t know anyone.” Sometimes it is true that some people don’t even know about MLM business and they may be worried about buying or investing in it.”

    Answer : “Handling this objections by telling them about the company and the business, give them an idea about how MLM network marketing works, You can also help them with company website, news, press releases to make them understand, Also Introduce successful persons who are MLM business, Thus you can build trust and convince them. ”

    8. Objection: “I am not good at sales”

    Many people have the misconception that network marketing is all about sales, and you have to be a master salesperson to succeed. This is not true and the most important thing in the business is sharing. It is all about sharing the amazing products and earning opportunities with like-minded individuals and making a profit from that.

    Answer: “Imagine you just had a great meal from a restaurant, wouldn’t you suggest the place to others? The network marketing business is not so different, you will be sharing the products you use and like with people of similar interests. The most successful individuals in the business like helping others and sharing the wonderful earning opportunities that they have come across.”

    9. Objection: “I don’t want to annoy my friends and family”

    Turning to friends and family for recruitment is one of the biggest mistakes made by new network marketers. This is an important objection handling in network marketing. You can’t progress through the ranks just by adding people to your network for the sake of it. You need to add like-minded people as your downlines to be able to grow as a network marketer. And this won’t happen if you forcefully add uninterested people.

    Answer: “That’s quite alright. We don’t want you annoying your friends and family either. You have to recruit like-minded people who have the potential to succeed in the business. That may not always be from your friends and family. If there are people you know who would be perfect for the industry, go for it. Otherwise, it is always better to stay away from friends and family for network marketing.”

    10. Objection: “I’m not sure about the products”

    Objection handling in network marketing about products can be tricky. Quality products should be the building block of any network marketing company. The company and distributors must have confidence in the product for the business to succeed. So when a prospect has doubts about the products, the recruiter must be able to give them sample products and let them experience it themselves.

    Answer: “Our company has a great track record of success with our products and services. You can try out some of our products and see the results for yourself. You will only be able to convince others about our products only if you have confidence in them yourself.”


    In this blog, we have discussed a few of the most commonly raised objections that a network marketer has to face in the MLM business and how to tackle them. Get mastering objections in Network Marketing and build your team. If you have got any other objections from your experience, tell us how you tacked them. Recommended Read: Top 15 Inspirational Network Marketing Quotes
    Meet The Author
    Pavanan Ghosh

    Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer at iOSS

    A seasoned analyst with a passion for innovative marketing ideas and trends in software development, Artificial Intelligence, and Multi-Level Marketing trends. Specializes in spotting major trends at the intersection of multiple new technologies. Has years of experience planning and delivering compelling projects which combine two or more of these increasingly popular technologies.

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