We are glad to announce the release of Infinite MLM Softwareversion 14.0. This is the most recent version of the popular MLM software. In this version, the developers of iOSS-Infinite Open Source Solution have integrated the most recent innovations to optimize and automate an increasing number of MLM functions. Version 14.0 of the Infinite MLM software has a couple of significant upgrades. On the user side, React has been implemented, and the user dashboard has undergone a few UI updations. Let’s take a closer look at the changes in Infinite MLM software version 14.0.

Highlights Of Infinite MLM Software Version 14.0

a. Implemented React on the User Side

The major upgrade in version 14.0 of Infinite MLM software is the implementation of React on the user side. This comes with advantages such as increased speed, flexibility, performance, and usability.

What is React.js

React.js is an open-source JavaScript library that is used for building user interfaces. React also allows us to create reusable UI components. React was first created by Jordan Walke, a software engineer working for Facebook. React first deployed on Facebook’s newsfeed in 2011 and on Instagram.com in 2012.

One of the most important advantages of React is the ability to create discrete components that make up the broader UI, then design more complicated UI functionalities using simple HTML and Javascript components. The React framework uses Virtual DOM to allow dynamic components of the UI to update without requiring the user to reload the page, which helps applications load faster. React code is very useful when designing front-end web applications because of its speed and agility, as people favor fast-loading web pages and apps. React code is more manageable and versatile than other frontend frameworks. Businesses can save a significant amount of time and money as a result of this flexibility. React was created to provide great performance. The framework’s key features include a virtual DOM structure and server-side rendering, allowing complicated projects to execute exceptionally quickly.

b. UI Changes in the User Dashboard

The user dashboard has been given an entire makeover to give the software a new and improved look. The changes to the dashboard have given a fresh look and feel to the software. We’ve taken a balanced approach to making tweaks so that the interface you’re used to isn’t switched abruptly all of a sudden. Infinitemlm-software The ease of access that users enjoyed in the previous versions are maintained in this update. Member details can be seen from the dashboard and there is also an option to view the entire profile with just one click. Users can easily copy or share the links to their replica websites or lead capture pages to Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn from the dashboard itself. The package, placement, and rank details of the member can also be seen on the dashboard. Important information such as E-wallet balance, commissions earned, payout released, and payout pending are shown on the dashboard. Sponsor name, personal PV, group PV, left carry, right carry can also be viewed. Names and payment details of new members and a graphical representation of joinings are shown. The rank details, required and achieved referral, personal PV, and Group PV is graphically represented. Transactions are classified into earnings, expenses, payout status, and displayed on the dashboard. Performance statistics such as top earners, top recruiters, package overview, and rank overview are also shown.

Check our Previous version releases:

In Summary

The implementation of React on the user side and the updated user dashboard has significantly improved the performance and appearance of Infinite MLM software. Check out the free demo to experience these latest features yourself.
Meet The Author
Pavanan Ghosh

Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer at iOSS

A seasoned analyst with a passion for innovative marketing ideas and trends in software development, Artificial Intelligence, and Multi-Level Marketing trends. Specializes in spotting major trends at the intersection of multiple new technologies. Has years of experience planning and delivering compelling projects which combine two or more of these increasingly popular technologies.

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Are you on the lookout for a cost-effective software solution with advanced features for your MLM business? Infinite MLM software might just be the thing for you.

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