Australia is one of the top countries across the world that is growing quickly in terms of new projects in energy, roads, technology and businesses.This environment creates a fertile ground for MLM businesses, making it an attractive market for both new and established network marketing companies in australia.

Selecting the right MLM company in Australia is essential for achieving MLM success. With a wide range of options available, finding the perfect match can be challenging. Many MLM companies in Australia offer innovative products and support systems, so it’s important to carefully evaluate your choices.

Did You Know?

As per a report, nearly 400,000 Australians are involved in direct selling and MLMs, with over 40 percent or 168,000 people joining between 2021 and 2022 as the pandemic struck?

Further in the blog, let us dive deep into the top 10 MLM companies in Australia, their achievements and everything in detail.

Top MLM Companies in Australia

Company Founding Year Revenue 2023 (USD) Revenue 2022 (USD) Products
Amway 1959 7.7B 8.1 B Health supplements, beauty products, home care
Herbalife 1980 5.1B 5.2 B Nutritional supplements, weight management, personal care
Nu Skin 1989 1.97B 1.9 B Skincare, anti-aging products, nutritional supplements
doTerra 2008 1.5 B 1.75 B Essential oils, personal care, wellness products
Mary Kay 1963 1.8 B 2.2 B Skin care,cosmetics,personal care
Usana 1992 921 M 999 M Health supplements, vitamins, skincare
Isagenix 2002 400 M 400 M Nutritional supplements, weight loss, skincare
ACN 1993 500M 500 M Telecommunications, energy services, essential services
Arbonne 1980 700 M 700 M Skincare, cosmetics, wellness products
Nutrimetics 1968 40 M 41 M Skincare, cosmetics, personal care

Overview of the Top MLM Companies in Australia

Australia’s multi-level marketing industry has seen remarkable growth, with several companies leading the charge in innovation and success. These top MLM companies have not only established a strong presence in the Australian market but have also gained international recognition for their diverse product offerings and effective business models.

Here’s an overview of the top network marketing companies in Australia :


MLM Companies in Australia

Founding Year: 1959
Annual Revenue 2023: $7.7 billion

Amway has achieved global recognition as the largest direct selling company, with a vast network of independent distributors spanning over 100 countries.Amway has established itself as a global leader among network marketing companies in Australia offering a diverse range of products in health, beauty, and home care. With a revenue of $7.7 billion in 2023, Amway is renowned for its innovative approach to business, focusing on high-quality products and a strong network of independent distributors.


MLM Companies in Australia

Founding Year: 1980
Annual Revenue 2023: $5.1 billion

Herbalife is one of the top network marketing companies in Australia. Herbalife has achieved significant global presence with operations in over 90 countries and has consistently ranked among the top direct selling companies. The company is known for its popular Herbalife Formula 1 shake. Herbalife specializes in nutrition, weight management, and personal care products. With an annual revenue of $5.1 billion in 2023, Herbalife has built a strong reputation for its commitment to quality and innovation.

Nu Skin

MLM Companies in Australia

Founding Year: 1989
Annual Revenue 2023: $1.97 billion

Nu Skin has established itself as a leading player in the skincare and wellness sectors, with a strong global presence in over 50 markets. The company is recognized for its innovative anti-aging products and its success in developing advanced skincare technology. With a revenue of $1.97 billion in 2023, Nu Skin combines innovative science with high-quality ingredients to deliver effective beauty and health solutions.


Founding Year: 2008
Annual Revenue 2023: $1.5 billion

doTERRA has become a major player in the essential oils market, known for its high-quality and pure products. The company is celebrated for its global outreach, extensive range of essential oils, and innovative wellness solutions, including its blend of essential oils and personal care products. WIth an annual revenue of $1.5 billion in 2023, doTERRA focuses on promoting natural health solutions through its innovative product range.

Mary Kay

MLM Companies in Australia

Founding Year: 1963
Annual Revenue 2023: $1.8 billion

Mary Kay is a well-established name in the beauty and skincare industry, known for its extensive range of cosmetic and skincare products. With an annual revenue of $1.8 billion in 2023,the company is celebrated for its commitment to empowering women through entrepreneurship and its ongoing innovation in beauty and personal care. Mary Kay has also been recognized for its philanthropic efforts, including initiatives supporting cancer research and domestic violence prevention.


MLM Companies in Australia

Founding Year: 1992
Annual Revenue 2023: $921 million

Usana is a prominent company specializing in nutritional supplements and personal care products. With an annual revenue of $921 million in 2023, Usana is dedicated to delivering high-quality health solutions backed by scientific research.The company is recognized for its innovative approach to health and wellness, including its advanced nutritional formulations and robust research and development efforts.


MLM Companies in Australia

Founding Year: 2002
Annual Revenue 2023: $400 million

Isagenix is one of the top MLM companies in Australia and is a key player in the health and wellness industry, known for its nutritional supplements and weight management products. With an annual revenue of $400 million in 2023, Isagenix focuses on providing effective, science-backed solutions to support healthy living.


MLM Companies in Australia

Founding Year: 1993
Annual Revenue 2023: $500 million

ACN is a global leader among direct selling companies in Australia. ACN specializes in telecommunications, energy, and essential services. With an annual revenue of $500 million in 2023, ACN focuses on providing essential services through a network of independent representatives.


MLM Companies in Australia

Founding Year: 1980
Annual Revenue 2023: $700 million

Arbonne is a prominent direct selling company in Australia, known for its skincare, wellness, and beauty products. With an annual revenue of $700 million in 2023, Arbonne is dedicated to promoting health and beauty through natural ingredients and innovative formulations.


MLM Companies in Australia

Founding Year: 1961
Annual Revenue 2023: $40 million

Nutrimetics is a well-regarded MLM company in Australia specializing in beauty and skincare products. With an annual revenue of $40 million in 2023, Nutrimetics is known for combining natural ingredients with scientific advancements to offer high-quality beauty solutions.

Read More: Top 10 MLM Companies in Singapore You Should Know About

Why MLM Companies in Australia Have Thrived in the Global Market?

Now that we have covered the top MLM companies in Australia, you know MLM in Australia is thriving. You would be wondering how these companies have performed so well in Australia? What makes Australia a good option for MLM businesses to thrive? What makes network marketing in Australia different? Let me tell you all about it.

Economic stability and high quality of life

Australia is a tier 1 country which means it is a highly developed country with a stable economy. People are willing to pay a good sum of money to buy anything. This means MM companies in Australia can make a good amount of money. By offering high-quality products and implementing effective marketing strategies, these companies successfully entered the market and built customer trust.

Simplicity of Business Operations

Australia has a pro business environment. These companies were able to start and grow their businesses in Australia with relative ease. Favorable regulations, efficient processes, and strong support systems contribute to a smooth business experience, helping these companies thrive and grow effectively.

Use of Data and Technology for Global Market Insights

Since Australia is a well developed country, it has access to highly advanced technology and data analytics.They were able to make data-driven decisions on team organization and refine their marketing strategies.This technological advantage has enabled them to stay ahead of competitors and adapt swiftly to market changes.Additionally, they have been integrating MLM payment gateways to ensure secure and efficient processing of transactions which has enhanced overall business operations.

Expansion Opportunities for MLM Companies in Australia

The future of direct selling companies will rely on advanced technology to simplify data management and boost customer engagement. Australia needs to improve their use of technology for managing data, automating tasks, and analyzing information. Tools like CRM systems can automate follow-ups and manage customer interactions.

Additionally, integrating advanced analytics will provide valuable insights for strategic decision-making. Embracing these technological advancements will be crucial for staying competitive and driving growth in the evolving market.

Why You Should Consider These MLM Companies in Australia?

Global Reach

These MLM companies operate in over 100 countries, offering International Business Owners (IBOs) potential global business and training opportunities to expand their ventures.

Clear Compensation Plans

Companies like Herbalife offer transparent compensation plans, making it easy to estimate future earnings based on sales. This clarity fosters better communication and trust within the network.

Strong Brand Reputation

A strong brand reputation is a key reason for choosing these MLM companies. High brand value and trust enhance market acceptance and make it easier to sell products effectively. Thus, evaluating brand value is essential before joining an MLM

Direct Selling Industry in Australia – Facts and Figures

As per a report, Australia ranks 24th globally for retail sales in direct selling, according to Direct Selling Australia (DSA). Approximately 85% of product sellers are women aged 35 to 55, though newer beauty-focused companies are attracting a younger demographic. Additionally, over 40% of members are involved in selling wellness products, such as Herbalife Nutrition’s weight loss and protein items.

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Key Product Categories and Their Performance

Beauty Products

Beauty products are a major driver of MLM sales in Australia, with many companies focusing on skincare and cosmetics. Newer entrants in the market have attracted a younger demographic, contributing to strong growth in this category.

Wellness Products

Wellness products, including nutritional supplements and weight management items, account for over 40% of sales among MLM members. Brands like Herbalife Nutrition lead in this category, offering popular weight loss and protein products.

Personal Care

Personal care products, such as health and hygiene items, also feature prominently in the MLM sector. These products benefit from a broad customer base and consistent demand.

Household Products

Household products, including cleaning supplies and home goods, have a steady market presence, although they may not be as dominant as beauty and wellness products.

Is MLM Legal in Australia?

Multi-Level Marketing is legal in Australia, provided that companies adhere to specific regulations designed to ensure fair business practices and protect consumers. MLM operates under strict legal frameworks to prevent unethical practices and distinguish it from illegal schemes.

Relevant Laws and Regulations

Australian Consumer Law (ACL):
MLM companies must ensure that their advertising and promotional materials are truthful and not misleading. They must also provide clear information about the costs, earnings potential, and terms of participation.

Competition and Consumer Act 2010:
This Act includes provisions to prevent anti-competitive practices and ensure fair trading in various industries.MLM companies must comply with rules regarding competition and avoid practices that could harm market integrity, such as deceptive conduct or unfair competition.

How MLM Companies Ensure Compliance?

Ensuring compliance is crucial for MLM companies to maintain their legitimacy and build trust with consumers. By adhering to legal regulations and ethical standards, these companies can avoid pitfalls associated with illegal schemes and protect their reputation.

Here are some ways MLM companies ensure compliance:

  • Transparent Compensation Plans

  • MLM companies must provide clear and detailed compensation plans that outline how commissions and bonuses are earned. This transparency helps prevent deceptive practices and ensures participants understand their potential earnings.

  • Disclosure of Costs and Risks

  • Companies must disclose all costs associated with joining and maintaining an MLM business, including any potential risks. Full disclosure helps potential recruits make informed decisions and avoids misleading them about the nature of the investment.

  • Regular Compliance Checks

  • Many MLM companies conduct regular internal audits and compliance checks to ensure adherence to legal standards. These checks help identify and rectify any practices that might be considered unethical or non-compliant.

Differences Between Legal MLM and Illegal Pyramid Schemes

1. Earnings Structure:

Legal MLM: Earnings are primarily based on product sales, with commissions earned from sales to end consumers and recruitment incentives. The focus is on selling products rather than recruiting.

Illegal Pyramid Schemes: In pyramid schemes, earnings depend largely on recruiting new participants, with little emphasis on actual product sales. Participants are often required to pay fees to join, and rewards are primarily based on the number of recruits.

2. Product Sales:

Legal MLM: There is a genuine market for the products, and sales are made to real consumers, not just within the MLM network.

Illegal Pyramid Schemes: Products are often secondary to the recruitment process, with little real demand or market for the goods.


MLM companies in Australia have carved a niche in the global market, offering diverse products and opportunities that resonate with the values of Australians. The direct selling industry in Australia continues to thrive, thanks to factors like economic stability, technological advancements, and a strong focus on ethical business practices. By providing clear compensation plans and a commitment to transparency, these companies offer a viable business model for those seeking entrepreneurial opportunities while helping them avoid common MLM mistakes. As the industry evolves, MLM and direct selling companies in Australia remain at the forefront, poised for continued success and growth.


Yes, MLM companies are legal in Australia as long as they follow regulations under the Australian Consumer Law and the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. These laws ensure fair practices and transparency, distinguishing them from illegal pyramid schemes.

Consider the company’s reputation, product quality, and compensation plan. Ensure they offer adequate training and comply with Australian laws. It’s crucial to research thoroughly to avoid pyramid schemes.

You can make money with MLM, but success depends on your sales skills, recruitment, and business management. While some achieve high earnings, many earn modest incomes, so set realistic expectations.

Many MLMs offer partnership programs with incentives like discounts, exclusive access, and marketing support. Review program details to ensure they align with your business goals and offer benefits.

No, affiliate marketing is not illegal in Australia. It is a legitimate marketing strategy, but it must comply with Australian laws, such as the Australian Consumer Law, to ensure transparency and honesty.
Meet The Author
Pavanan Ghosh

Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer at iOSS

A seasoned analyst with a passion for innovative marketing ideas and trends in software development, Artificial Intelligence, and Multi-Level Marketing trends. Specializes in spotting major trends at the intersection of multiple new technologies. Has years of experience planning and delivering compelling projects which combine two or more of these increasingly popular technologies.

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