“By its very nature and design, network marketing is a strikingly fair, democratic, socially responsible system of generating wealth.” – Robert Kiyosaki

Network marketing has long been celebrated as a pathway to financial freedom and entrepreneurial success. With its promise of unlimited earning potential and flexible work schedules, Multi level Marketing (MLM) has attracted millions of individuals worldwide. Despite the scepticism that surrounds it, the industry possesses numerous success stories of individuals who have achieved remarkable feats through their dedication and hard work.

In this blog, we will deal with network marketing success stories, aiming to inspire and motivate aspiring entrepreneurs who have turned their MLM ventures into lucrative businesses.

Top MLM Success Stories in Network Marketing

These tales of triumph underscore the transformative power of MLM ventures, showcasing how dedication, resilience, and strategic approach can propel individuals to unprecedented heights of achievement. Below are the narratives of individuals who have navigated the twists and turns of the MLM landscape to carve out their own paths to success.
  1. Sarah Robbins
  2. Eric Worre
  3. Ray Higdon
  4. Donna Johnson
  5. Jerry Scribner
  6. Ray Robbins
  7. Nancy Dornan
  8. Margie Aliprandi
  9. Jordan Adler
  10. Alexandra Laigle


“How could a shy teacher in her 20’s, living in a depressed economy, find success in network marketing? I later learned that’s the beauty of this business model. It takes ordinary people and helps them to achieve extraordinary results!”

Her MLM Success story in the Network Marketing business is beyond dreams. Ms. Sarah Robbins was leading a normal life and was a school teacher. The shaky economy drove her in constant fear of losing her job. In order to avoid a penniless situation in case she lost her job, she started selling Rodan and Fields products. Her only intention at that time was to earn a bit of extra cash to supplement her regular income. With a bit of hard work, she could soon earn more than her regular income and decided that she would quit her job as a school teacher and concentrate fully on multi-level marketing. This decision fetched her six-figure income as a commission on sales. Sarah was so successful that she is the only consultant to date who was inducted into the Rodan + Fields Hall of Fame before the age of 20. She is also the first one to get into the Million Dollar Circle. Today, she is one of the top-selling consultants of the company.


“The greatest benefit isn’t getting what you want. The greatest benefit is what you’ll need to become in order to get what you want.”

Eric Worre is a veteran in the field of network marketing with experience of nearly 30 years. Eric’s net worth is around $40 million! Shocking, right? He initially began his network marketing career as a distributor and then grew on to become the president of a multi-level marketing company that had a turnover of $200 million. He eventually began his own business and became the president of The People’s network. Now, he has retired from the network marketing business as a distributor and is fully engaged in coaching other new recruits in the field and helping them to be successful network marketers. He started a platform called Network Marketing Pro and regularly gives presentations to his subscribers and audience. In 2013, he wrote a book on the subject named Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Successful Professional that sold more than 1.5 million copies and is on the list of best sellers on Amazon.


“The successful person focuses on where they are going. The unsuccessful person focuses on where they are, where they have been, or what they can’t do”.

Ray Higdon started working in real estate in Florida in 2004. He did well until the financial crisis of 2008 hit, causing him to lose a lot of money and even his home. He also went through personal struggles, including a separation from his wife. During this tough time, he met Jessica, who was into network marketing. She convinced him to join a company called Numis. He quickly became the top earner, making over a million dollars in commissions. His team accounted for 85% of Numis Network’s entire business. In February 2011, Ray made $46,000 in a month, breaking records in Numis. By June of the same year, he earned over $52,000. Ray Higdon’s net worth is estimated to be around $15 million. In August 2013, Numis Network merged with Worldventures, where Ray and Jessica reached the rank of Regional Marketing Director and earned six-figure incomes. However, in February 2016, they made the tough decision to sell their position in Worldventures to focus on coaching and training others in the industry.


“Doubt is a lot like faith; A mustard seed’s worth changes everything.”

A pioneer of the MLM profession, Donna Johnson has been with her Network Marketing company for 30+ years and is their #1 builder, impacting the lives of thousands of people around the globe. This Wisconsin girl with no college degree, and a single mom has 1,000+ leaders on her team who have reached the iconic independent VP Leadership Position. She was working as a swimming coach in her neighborhood and her income was very little.Making a Living by Making a Difference, a collection of her published work, was released October 2010. Now, 40 years later, Donna’s annual income exceeds $1 million. She’s become the leader of Arbonne, one of the world’s leading network marketing companies. Over 1,000 individuals have achieved leadership status within Arbonne with guidance. She has invested a portion of her income into projects with high return potential. Presently, she manages a bed and breakfast in Jamaica while also consistently contributing a portion of her profits to charity. Donna serves as a patron for Streams of Mercy, an organization dedicated to aiding orphans in India and other developing nations.


Living an ordinary American life, Jerry always felt unfulfilled working as a construction worker. Being introduced to the multi-level marketing business by a friend, Jerry is a strong advocate for warm market prospecting. From a hopeless financial situation, through his dedication and hardwork, he emerged as one of the industry’s highest earners. When he entered the world of MLM, his financial situation was very low, almost bankrupt, making the switch to the new business a necessity. Through dedication and passion, he rose to become the 12th highest earner in the network marketing industry. Jerry’s key strategy in his MLM career was asking small questions to his potential team members, a simple yet highly effective technique for recruiting new distributors. Currently Jerry owns an $860 million company named Steam. He’s expanded his influence by launching a blog channel where he shares his insights, tips, and recommended readings and videos for success in the business. Success stories like this serve as inspiration for anyone aspiring to build a career in network marketing.


“Not only does network marketing give you an unprecedented chance to be the CEO of your own company, it’s structured in such a way that when one person does well, everyone does well. I challenge you to find any other industry where every single person delights in the success of the people around them.”

Ray Robbins started selling donuts when he was just six years old, kickstarting a lifelong journey in sales. Now, after more than 40 years in the business, he’s amassed a net worth of $71,000,000. Ray is a man of many talents. He earned the title of ‘Major’ for his skills in flying helicopters during the Vietnam War. He’s also been recognized with the Chamber of Commerce “Entrepreneur of the Year” award. In 1979, Ray entered the world of network marketing, where he found success and a passion for innovation. In 1993, he co-founded Mannatech with one of his close friends. Ray Robbins has consistently been the top associate and highest earner at Mannatech for numerous consecutive years. He has also served five terms on Mannatech’s Board of Directors. His enthusiasm for network marketing rubbed off on his family, inspiring his children and grandchildren to become passionate network marketers too.


“You can have what you want, if you decide that you want it, expect it and work for it!”

Nancy Dornan is a talented person known for many things. She’s a successful businesswoman, a mentor, someone who helps and guides others, and a philanthropist. She’s also worked as a speech therapist. Nancy and her husband, Jim Dornan, began their journey in network marketing in 1971 with Amway. They became very successful and achieved the highest level possible in Amway, called Crown ambassadors, in 1997. As they succeeded in their own business, they realized that others in the same line of work needed help too. So, they started something called “Network TwentyOne” to support and mentor other people in network marketing around the world. Today, Network TwentyOne has many offices worldwide, and Nancy is recognized as one of the top earners in her field. Aside from her business ventures, Nancy is also a creative person. She enjoys painting and has written books – “My Life Stories,” an autobiography, and “I Married an Immigrant,” a biography of her maternal grandparents. She co-authored “The Early Ozarks: A Family’s Journey,”


Margie Aliprandi is extremely proud to proclaim herself as a self-made multi-millionaire. She is also kind enough to devote much of her time to helping other people who are new to network marketing to earn a good income and become successful network marketers themselves. Margie is a former beauty pageant winner who won both Miss Teenage Utah and Mrs. Utah. Before she began her career in the marketing field, she was a music teacher and a single mom. She started with an MLM company called Neways International in 1989 and quickly became one of the company’s top sellers. She was earning a five-figure monthly income in just her first year. She went on to become the first distributor to earn the Crown Diamond ranking. This was the highest level of Neways International. Over the course of her marketing journey, she managed to build up a team of more than 250,000 people and is currently in the top 1 percent of network marketing producers.


“Do you know why I love network marketing? The risk is so low and the potential upside is so high. You can grow as big as you want to without hiring a single employee.”

Jordan Adler did not taste much success during the first ten years of his network marketing career. He worked with ten different companies and could not manage to recruit a single distributor for each of them. He soon went bankrupt and by the time he was 35, he was in debt of around $36,000 across 22 credit cards. He had just over $200 dollars in his bank account and was jobless for over 2 years. He earned a severance of $4000 per year from his old employer. In the next 36 months, he earned more than 20 million from various network marketing companies. He has 15 years experience of reading, learning and going to seminars and then another 20 years of actually investing in Real Estate. He is the author of Beach Money and is a TEDx speaker and a very successful writer.


Alexandra Laigle was an employee of the US Department of Defence and has had phenomenal success with Lularoe. In 2016, she sold around 1,000 items of clothing from the brand out of her home every month. Alexandra got in with the clothing brand in the early stages of its business and this proved to have had a hand in her enormous success. When she launched her own store in 2015, she had just 2,000 other consultants under her belt. That number has grown to over 35,000 now. Due to her glorious success with the company, her husband has quit his regular job in the financial field to help her go on with her business. She still works with the Department of Defence and regularly sells $80,000 worth of clothes monthly and earns around a $21,000 bonus check from the company every year. From the above top 10 Inspiring network marketing success stories, Sarah Robbins, Margie Aliprandi, and Jordan Alder are coming under Top MLM Earners in the world.

Essential Factors for Achieving Network Marketing Success

Achieving success in network marketing requires a combination of key elements that pave the way for sustainable growth and prosperity. Understanding and implementing these elements can significantly enhance your chances of thriving in the competitive landscape of network marketing. Let’s explore some of the critical factors that contribute to MLM success:

Clear Vision and Goals

A well-defined vision provides direction and purpose, while specific goals serve as milestones to measure progress. By articulating your aspirations and outlining actionable objectives, you establish a roadmap for success and maintain focus amidst challenges.

Effective Communication Skills

Cultivating strong interpersonal skills enables you to connect with prospects, express your message persuasively, and build lasting relationships. Effective communication fosters trust and credibility, essential for attracting and retaining customers and team members.

Continuous Learning & Development

The MLM landscape requires adaptability and continuous learning. Stay ahead of industry trends, sharpen your skills, and invest in personal and professional development. Embrace a growth mindset, remain open to new ideas, and leverage resources to stay ahead of the curve.

Resilience and Persistence

Network marketing success requires perseverance in the face of setbacks and rejection. Cultivate resilience to bounce back from challenges and maintain momentum towards your goals. Embrace a “never give up” attitude and learn how to handle objections.

Effective Time Management

Time is a precious resource in network marketing, and effective time management is essential for maximizing productivity and achieving results. Prioritize tasks, set boundaries, and allocate time strategically to focus on high-impact activities that drive growth and revenue.

Building a Strong Support System

Surround yourself with a supportive network of mentors, peers, and teammates who share your vision and offer encouragement. Collaborate with like-minded individuals, leverage collective wisdom, adopt the power of teamwork to achieve mutual success.


The stories shared here exemplify the potential for high rewards and achievements within this dynamic field. From individuals like Nancy Dornan and Ray Robbins, who transformed their passions into thriving businesses, to countless others who have found success through dedication and hard work, these narratives inspire and demonstrate the vast potential for growth and prosperity in network marketing. As you embark on your own journey, remember that with determination and perseverance, you too can carve out your path to success in the world of network marketing.
Meet The Author
Shamseena Shamsudheen

Researcher & Content Strategist

Shamseena is an extremely passionate and enthusiastic MLM strategist who is able to pen down complex content in simple and understandable words. With years of experience and a keen interest in researching, She focuses on writing about current events to provide readers with up-to-date information.

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  • Jan Fischhaber says:

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  • Henry says:

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