We are pleased to announce the release of version 13.0 of Infinite MLM Software. This is the latest update of the popular MLM software. The developers of iOSS-Infinite Open Source Solution have implemented the latest features in this update to optimize and automate more and more MLM functions seamlessly. Infinite MLM software version 13.0 comes with a list of new features and functionalities.

Several UI improvements have been made on the user side and admin side. Redis caching has been implemented to improve system speed. The user dashboard has also undergone a few changes. Profile view in the profile management menu has been updated. The packet management and privileged user menus have been changed. And the network tree view has also been updated.

Let’s have a detailed look at these updates in Infinite MLM software version 13.0.

Highlights Of The Latest Infinite MLM Software Version 13.0

#1. UI Improvements On the User Side

Our product team has implemented certain improvements in the user side of UI to give the software a fresh look. We have maintained a balanced approach in making changes so that the user interface that you are familiar with is not drastically changed all of a sudden. The easier design elements and more intuitive UX should give all users an improved experience.

Infinite MLM Software Version 13

The ability to deliver real-time data is very important when it comes to MLM software. Redis caching enables lightning-fast access to all the data, guarantees high availability, decreases data access latency, increases throughput, and eases the load of the database and application. It is the most popular distributed caching engine available today and is used by tech giants like Snapchat, Pinterest, Craigslist, Flickr, etc… With Redis caching, Infinite MLM software can now scale to millions of users without any technical difficulties.

#2. Redis Cache Implementation

The ability to deliver real-time data is very important when it comes to MLM software. Redis caching enables lightning-fast access to all the data, guarantees high availability, decreases data access latency, increases throughput, and eases the load of the database and application. It is the most popular distributed caching engine available today and is used by tech giants like Snapchat, Pinterest, Craigslist, Flickr, etc… With Redis caching, Infinite MLM software can now scale to millions of users without any technical difficulties.

Infinite MLM Software Version 13

#3. Changes to the User Dashboard

Infinite MLM Software Version 13

The user dashboard of Infinite MLM software has been updated to boost the productivity of MLM members and provide ease of access. The new dashboard consists of a user profile with details such as the rank and membership package of the user. Options to copy or share the links of the user’s replica website or lead capture site to Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin can also be found on the user profile. Details like E-wallet balance, a commission earned, payout released, payout pending, sponsor name, personal PV, group PV, left carry, and right carry can also be viewed here.

#4. Updated Profile View in the Profile Management Menu

The profile view in the profile management menu of Infinite MLM software has been updated. Details such as the rank of the user, membership package, personal PV, group PV, left carry, and right carry can be viewed here. Users can also change their password or transaction password with just a single click from here.

Infinite MLM Software Version 13

#5. Changes in the Package Management Menu

The package management menu of Infinite MLM software has undergone certain changes in the version 13.0 update. A “New Package” option can now be seen on the top right corner of the membership page in the package management menu. Users can fill in the membership package details and proceed to advanced configuration options from here.

Infinite MLM Software Version 13 Infinite MLM Software Version 13

#6. Changes in the Privileged User Menu

The privileged user menu of Infinite MLM software has been updated in version 13.0. Privileged users can now add new users by clicking on the “Add New” option on the top right corner of the page. Actions such as editing, permission, dashboard configuration, etc… under the user list have been gathered under a single menu.

Infinite MLM Software Version 13

#7. Updated the Network Tree View

The view of the network tree in the network menu of Infinite MLM software has been updated. The new view is much more simple and easy to follow for even new users.

Infinite MLM Software Version 13


These are all the latest features in the Infinite MLM software version 13.0 update. Try out all these features and much more in the free demo of the software.

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Are you on the lookout for a cost-effective software solution with advanced features for your MLM business? Infinite MLM software might just be the thing for you.

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