Click on the Content Management sub menu under settings to configure welcome letter, terms and conditions & replication site.

Welcome Letter

Under this tab, select the ‘edit’ button under the action field against any listed language to edit the welcome letter. Enter the content required for a welcome letter in the space provided. After editing, click on the update button to save the edit.

Terms and Conditions

Click on terms and conditions to edit the same.

Click on the ‘edit icon’ under ‘Action’ to update terms and conditions for each language.

After editing, you must click on the ‘update’ button to save the update.

How to Replicate Site in Infinite MLM?

Now, to replicate site, click on the ‘replication site’ tab and update the necessaries:

You can see the default top banner/current top banner on the appeared page.

Top Banner (Default)

To set the default banner, upload the top banner (png/jpeg/jpg file. Max size 2MB) and click on update.

Top Banner (For Admin)

For Admins, add banners by uploading the top banner in the provided space (png/jpeg/jpg file. Max size 2MB). Click the ‘Add’ button to add a new banner.

Language Settings

As you go down, you can see different languages and an option to edit.

Click on ‘Edit’ button to edit the replica site and update the following;

  1. Home Title 1
  2. Home Title 2
  3. Plan details
  4. Contact Number
  5. Contact Email
  6. Contact address
  7. Policy
  8. Terms
  9. About
  10. Why Choose Us
  11. Features

Click on update and you have created a new replica site.