How is the ticket system handled?

Click on the Support Center menu on the left panel of the window to operate the ticket system. How to view existing Tickets? Click on My Tickets tab and enter the following details: Ticket ID: Enter the ticket ID from dropdown. Category: Select the category from dropdown. Priority: Select the priority from dropdown. Status: Select […]

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Is it possible to track the performance of replicated sites?

Click on the Replica Site submenu under Tools to configure the replication site. You can see two sections: Current Banner which shows the currently updated banner. Upload Top Banner where you upload banners. Now, to upload the top banner, click on the button that says ‘Upload’ and after uploading, the message “Top banner updated successfully” […]

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How are administrators and users communicated ?

Click on the mailbox menu on the left pane of the window where you can see additional features. It’s from here, you communicate with other users or admin. You can see the Inbox in the opened page, from where you can compose mails. To compose a mail click on the ‘compose’ option. Enter the necessary […]

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Click on the Reports menu on the left pane of the window. It consists of the following submenus. Commission Payout Rank Performance E-Pin Transfer  

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Click on the commission sub-menu to view the commission reports. Enter the following details as shown below *Date Range: Select the date range(Overall, Today, This Month, This Year, Custom) from the drop-down menu. *Commission Type: Select the commission type from the drop-down menu. After entering the details, click on the Submit button to view the […]

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