Step 1: Visit our website.

Step 2: Click on Get Started Now from the top left corner.

Step 3: From the window that opens, you can either login or create a new account by signing up.

To Login:

Step 1: Enter Username or Email.

Step 2: Enter Password.

Step 3: Click on the Login button.

To Create a New Account:

Step 1: Enter your Email ID and phone number. The registration link will be sent to the provided mail.

Step 2: Click on the Login button. You will land on a page where you will be asked to select your preferred
compensation plan.

Step 3: After selecting the preferred plan, click on Additional Settings. From here, you have the option to

  • Registration Package
  • E-pin
  • Start Demo with Users.
  • Preferred Add-ons and Features.

Step 4: Once you’ve finished configuring the settings according to your needs, simply click Submit. Our
system will then customize the software to perfectly match your chosen plan.