How to easily view and filter out lead data ?

Click on View Lead sub menu under CRM to view the lead information.

Fill up the following details to filter and view leads

  • Search Tag: Enter any one of the keywords (first name, last name, skype id, email id, mobile number)
  • Lead added from date: Enter the from date, the lead added to the system
  • Lead added to date: Enter the to date, the lead added to the system
  • Next followup from date: Enter the from date of next followup 
  • Next followup to date: Enter the to date of next followup
  • Level of interest: Select the level of interest from the drop-down menu
  • Country: Select a country from the drop-down menu
  • Lead Status: Select the lead status from the drop-down menu
  • Lead Status Change From Date: Enter the from date of lead status change
  • Lead Status Change To Date: Enter the to date of lead status change

After entering the details, click on the ‘submit’ button to view leads. The lead information is filtered and displayed under the leads section.