Click on All transactions sub menu to view all the transactions like level commission, rank commission, payout release transaction details like whether credited to or debited from user account and also displays the date of transaction.
Enter the username and click on the search button to view all the credited and debited transactions of the user account.

By default it displays all the transactions. Click on the 4 drop down marked in red on the right top corner as shown in the below screenshot to filter and clear the transactions

The  drop down options are as follows

  1. Debit/Credit
  2. Category
  3. Date
  4. Clear


Three options available under this drop down
*Any: By choosing this option it will display all the transactions of entered username
*Debited: By choosing this option it will display only the Debited transactions of the username
*Credited: By choosing this option it will display only the Credited transactions of the username


Category Options like Rank Commission, Level commission, Referral Commission, Binary Commission, etc payment type categories are available
*Any: By choosing this option it will display all the category transactions of entered username


Date  consists of three options
*Overall- Overall displays all the transactions of the entered username
*This Month- It displays the current month transactions
*This Year- It displays the current year transactions


This option clears the present action and it displays all the transactions of all the users.