Kevin Rider
Kevin Rider

I would say my way of thinking has changed over the years from “retail, sponsor teach” to “retail, sponsor, LEARN” not everyone is cut out to teach but anyone can learn. It’s like driving a car. Many of us just want to learn how to drive and never have any intention of becoming an instructor so does that mean we can’t build a business. NO of cause not because there are 1000’s of instructors out there willing to teach you what works, all people need to do is be willing to learn and apply and point people in the right direction to learn for themselves. The thing is many old-school MLM ers believe it’s their way or the high way and they want the glory instead of empowering their people to be independent; they want them to be dependent on them but then they become the hub of their business and when they stop, the business collapses. #LDG (learn, develop and grow)

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